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Rowing & Sculling Classified ads |
Rowing classified ads on row2k, rowing and sculling boats, oars and equipment for sale, rowing jobs, rowing job listings.
Alden Martin Trainer Single scull $1000 (Boats For Sale) - Rowing ...
1980s single scull training boat for sale. fiberglass hull. Very sturdy. Suits beginner or someone looking for a simple cheap boat to get back into rowing. Posted by: Jack (Napa, CA - US)
Rowing Hack: Use a Spring Clamp to Fix Steering Cables
This Boatman's Third Hand Hack gets used a bunch at Ben's club in service of another pretty good trick of his: splicing in just a few feet of new steering cable when there's damage rather than re-cabling the whole boat. "For quads with toe steering, the cable eventually gets kinked or frayed at the connection with the steering toe.
POV: Remembering how you used to row - Rowing Video |
POV: Remembering how you used to row rowing video on row2k, one of the premier sources of rowing and sculling news, rowing results, rowing information, rowing features, interviews, and general information about the sport of rowing.
Looking to buy a used single (1x - lw) (Boats Wanted) - Rowing ...
Hello, I am looking for a used single that I would want to use to compete with for my spring season, and for the forseeable future. I'm looking for a lw class boat (135-165 Ib) max, from brands such as Hudson, Wintech, Fluidesign, filippi, etc...
Used candock modules (Oars and Equipment For Sale) - Rowing & Sculling ...
Humboldt Bay Rowing Association has about 100 of the older style Candock modules available. Plus the locking pegs. These are fairly old, 15 years or so, but in usable condition.
New Croaker Oars never used (Oars and Equipment For Sale) - Rowing ...
1pair of used Croaker Oars, Rigger for 2019 Sharrow LtWt. Best offer, Never Used Burnham Sunbrella Boat and Oar Cover,Navy and Yellow,, Best offer, Sling Bag and Rigger Bag, Burnham, hardly used. Best offer, Car Top carrier, used 2x, Seat for boat and shoe plate Posted by: Susan Dierksen (Estero, FL - US)
Electric Wakeless Coach Launch (Launches and Engines) - Rowing ...
2022 16 feet Rowkraft/Rowing Solutions Wakeless launch for sale. Powered by Pure Watercraft electric motor. 50hp engine factory calibrated to 35hp for this launch. Includes Karafun trailer, charger, 110 and 220 cables, brand new battery.
2021 Sykes 1x (75-85kg) (Boats For Sale) - Rowing & Sculling ...
Lightly used under Sykes 1x with Carbon Rear Wing rigger. Never rowed in saltwater, Always stored indoors and all original equipment. Less than 1,500miles rowed.
Rowing Stories, Features & Interviews | Training in Boats for 'The Boys ...
1936 Olympic Recording, Rowing Science, Changes in Collegiate Rowing: row2k's Top Features of 2024
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INTERNs, Trainees
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Genetic, Science Jobs
Genetics, Research,
INTERNs, Labwork
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